Friday 18 March 2011

2 hrs from running out of cash?

 According to this report we were close to financial catastrophe a coupe of years ago.

While you can believe this or not as you see fit, it makes me think that while it is right to blame Labour for at least some of the financial mess we got in to, it is difficult to be overly critical of what they did when they were there.

To fail to save the banks was surely not an option?

It makes me shudder to think what Osborne might have got up to in the same circumstances. Some sort of thirties style economic solution? In fact, it also makes you wonder if they would have avoided the crisis i the first place. The Tory mantra has always been 'less regulation' - and yet it is arguably failure to regulate the banks which led to the dodgy  lending in the first place.

You also wonder if anything is really going to happen about bank regulation. Will anyone really actually control them? We seem unable to do anything meaningful about their bonuses.

It also makes me wonder if the socialists aren't right all along. The banks quite possibly should be nationalised. Too important to our day to day lives to be allowed to fail.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlie

    Your link above to The Independent is duff and needs fixing!

